Camston Wrather
San Diego, CA 92122, US
Camston recycles gold and other precious metals from electronic waste using a proprietary two-stage green technology. The process is low cost and generates positive cash flow in the first month after the completion of each processing system.
Currently, 270 tons of gold per year is diverted to developing countries or thrown directly into U.S. landfills. Of the 50M metric tons of e-waste generated each year, only four large-scale integrated smelters exist world-wide capable of recovering gold from e-waste and none are located in the U.S.
Existing technologies to recycle gold use highly toxic chemicals or large non-scalable furnaces that produce secondary Green House Gas emissions. Current technologies underserve the market processing only 6.5M of the 50M metric tons generated. A market opportunity exists to exploit this processing gap through green localized processing.
Camston has developed a proprietary, stress tested and proven two-stage recovery process that captures more than 98% of the precious metal value contained in e-waste quickly and efficiently using a low cost, eco-safe and highly scalable technology. Our modular recovery plants are compact, energy efficient and cost $500,000 to build and gross $7.9M per year at an operating cost of ~$350,000. The Gross Margin from operations is 48% with a Net Profit of 33%. Camston’s recovery plants are easy to permit in California and produce no hazardous wastes or byproducts as a result of operations.
What differentiates Camston in the market from other startups is that Camston is a commodities producer. That means the company does not have the normal growth and marketing pains associated with finding, locating or competing for customers in the market. As soon as Camston produces gold and other precious metals there is a buyer in the market.
Camston is a team of highly trained electrical, mechanical and chemical engineers lead by founders Mark Evans and Aaron Kamenash. Mark Evans graduated, magna cum laude, from of the University of California at Berkeley and Aaron Kamenash attended Penn State majoring in Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering.
Products / Services
Sustainable Gold & Precious Metals
Existing processes for the extraction of gold and precious metals from e-waste have major disadvantages and negative environmental impacts. The current processing capacity is taxed and underserves the market both in terms of processing volume and scalability. Camston has invented a two-stage proprietary green process for the extraction of Metal Fractions (MFs) typically Au, Ag, and Pd, and Non-Metal Fractions (Polymer Plastics) from e-waste. Camston exists both MFs and NMFs for revenue. Camston maintains two key contracts. First, our pipeline of material feedstock is guaranteed, and second, the company maintains a contractual open-ended purchase order from our end refiner guaranteeing a 98% market value payout on all precious metals produced.
Camston previously raised $342,500 in seed financing and spent 2 ½ years to R&D achieving proof-of-concept at its M.I.T. incubator and proof-of-scaling at its pilot plant in El Cajon, CA.
Chief Executive Officer
Mark Evans
Camston is a professional team of highly trained electrical, mechanical and chemical Ph.D./engineers lead by founders Mark Evans and Aaron Kamenash. The founders have direct executive management experience in founding early stage startup companies including the successful creation of six new revenue portfolio companies for (Warner Music Group), financial advising (Mass Mutual), legal and IPO assistance (Google, Apple), electrical engineering (U.S. Department of the Navy), mining technology (Kaiser Steel), and charitable board representation (Walden Family Services). Mark Evans graduated, magna cum laude, from of the University of California at Berkeley where he majored in Law and minored in Mathematics and Logic and Aaron Kamenash attended The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) majoring in Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering and minoring in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Camston recycles gold and other precious metals from electronic waste using a proprietary two-stage green technology. The process is low cost and generates positive cash flow in the first month after the completion of each processing system…n
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Mark Evans
EquityNet, English, Crowdfunding, United States, Equity
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