Dragon Power Security Monitoring System

by Garry Saini

The worlds first self-powered/off-grid security system.

About this project

Alternative Energy Sources Technology (AEST)


CEO Terry Kenney has begun the company’s journey in 2006. The former veteran has spent 6+ years on the R&D and proof of concept at the SSA Marine port of Oakland,CA. During the 4 year test, Terry was blessed to be praised by the former advisory of Obama’s energy board Daniel Kammen. After $4.7 Million of him and his families capital put into the company, the technology was proven and Terry was awarded an interconnect agreement by PG&E. As a former veteran Terry saw more then just providing untapped power to the world, he saw an opportunity to protect the world as well. The security packaged that we have added to the unit has made it the ultimate security system the world needs now. Real-time facial recognition, license plate scan, bomb detection are only a few details of the systems capability. There are many high-volume locations that are susceptible to lack of security including:


-Government Buildings



-Event Centers


Once we launch our security prototype to the world in partner with Evergreen Valley College, we will lead the world in clean , alternative energy and real-time security that will save millions of lives.

Dragon Power Station™ (DPS)

– Harnesses the gravity and motion of vehicles (wasted kinetic energy ) as they cross over embedded road plates in existing roadways.

-Force of gravity and motion initiates a series of electrical and mechanical actions, turning a generator connected to power regulators and inverters, producing clean environmentally safe power (electricity). System consists of two major components:

1. Road Plates (series of aligned steps)

2. Power House (connects generated power to the utility’s grid or an end-user application).

Untapped Alternative Energy Resource

How does the Dragon produce energy?

How does the Dragon produce energy?
With these

With these

 project video thumbnail

Introducing: AEST Vehicle Surveillance System (AEST-VSS)

AEST’s remote video monitoring solution places digital cameras and sensors, embedded in roadways with a DPS road plate step to capture images of a vehicles undercarriage, license plate and interior cab area. These images can then be transmitted via local area and wide area (LAN/WAN) networks, wirelessly or via the Internet, to opted-in security personnel around the globe, such as, Homeland Security and Emergency Responders, to take necessary and appropriate action (see illustration below).

AEST is looking to raise the capital to manufacture the prototype of the Vehicle Surveillance System and have it installed by the students at Evergreen Valley College for the first global launch.

Our partnership with the College includes EVC engineering students to be involved for initial installation, final assembly, calibration, collecting data, evaluation and documentation of the systems performance. In addition with the students involvement, they will be offered a scholarship from the College as well as openly naming their engineering building with the collaborative choice of AEST.


DPS Feature: State-of-the-art manufacturing and production facilities, “just-in-time” inventory schedules and deployment.

 Benefits (Jobs Creation):

– Job creation of 200-250 new “green” jobs in manufacturing alone. 35-40 people to manufacture and deploy the DPS in 8 hour shifts.

– AEST will make an effort to manufacture the DPS in the area where it’s being deployed.

Risks and challenges

We believe our obstacles will be simply:

– Delays in the manufacturing

-First prototype hiccups

CEO Terry Kenney has begun the company’s journey in 2006. The former veteran has spent 6+ years on the R&D and proof of concept at the SSA Marine port of Oakland,CA. During the 4 year test, Terry was blessed to be praised by the former advisory of Obama’s energy board Daniel Kammen.
See Campaign: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1787798852/dragon-power-security-monitoring-system
Contact Information:
Garry Saini

Kickstarter, English, Crowdfunding, United States, Reward-Donation


The post Dragon Power Security Monitoring System – The worlds first self-powered/off-grid security system. appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.

Source: Icrowdnewswire

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