Mothers’ Milk Bank of Mississippi Sponsorship

Mothers’ Milk Bank of Mississippi Sponsorship

by Moms In Black

Charitable Causes

Help Mississippi Breastfeeding Support raise money for the Mothers’ Milk Bank of Mississippi!

Mothers’ Milk Bank of Mississippi, founded in 2010, is a “developing” milk bank, according toHMBANAguidelines. They are currently serving as a depot for Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas, in Fort Worth.

Theirmission is to accept, pasteurize and dispense donor human milk to premature and ill infants in Mississippi by physician prescription and according to guidelines from the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA).

When fully functional (hopefully by race time!), they will screen potential donor mothers, then collect, process, and dispense donated human milk by physician prescription.

MMBM is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization.

We are attempting to raise $300 (or even more!!) to donate directly to MMBM. The only portion that will not go directly to the donation is that cost of printing T-shirts.

Help Mississippi Breastfeeding Support raise money for the Mothers’ Milk Bank of Mississippi!
See Campaign: https://www.mumzy.com/en/projects/24583-Mothers–Milk-Bank-of-Mississippi-Sponsorship
Contact Information:
Moms In Black

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Source: Icrowdnewswire

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