
PeerCar Logo


Peer to peer (P2P) car rental marketplace that suggest the best P2P car rental service
based on customer need.

Choose how you roll!

PeerCar is positioning itself to be a pioneer in online peer to peer car rental. We are building the world’s best platform for booking a unique time and cost saving experience driven by the community.

We are passionate about delivering detailed targeted choices to customers and providing suggestions for the best service to use from all active P2P companies in the city based on need. This means if a customer is flying into a city, based on the information provided, we will connect them with the best peer to peer car rental service for that airport and city. If you are local and need a one way or need to share a ride across country we got you covered, using online technology to power offline experiences that last a lifetime. We are democratizing car rental by empowering people to make a living sharing their ride and enriching lives through unique experiences.

oducts / Services

Customer chooses the best peer to peer car rental based on need

1.Register with us to enter your travel dates and choose type of service.
2.Compare prices and services that best match your needs for that city
3.Choose your service and roll with the best of them

Customers have the option for added protection while traveling with
our Extreme Shield. A device that protects from electronic pick-pocketing
by high tech criminals.

PeerCar is positioning itself to be a pioneer in online peer to peer car rental. We are building the world’s best platform for booking a unique time and cost saving experience driven by the community.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
James Doucettperry

EquityNet, United States, Cars, Equity, English, Automotive, Internet, Computers and Software, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language, Texas


Source: ICNW

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