URRKNs Time is Now Tour
The Story
-Steve Jobs
Hi I’m the Fairy Cat Mother and I’m going to ask you for $125k and your going to be thrilled to give it to me. Now let me tell you why… (Don’t forget, it’s tax deductable!)
When 2 of the most respected men in all of rescue tell you Its time for you to get your message out there. it might be a good idea to listen. So thats exactly what we are going to do.
I need your help. We are taking URRKN to the shelters.
We thought that we were thinking big when we told them that we were considering buying a coach to do this, then we were told that we need to be planning for ourFLEET.
Wanted you all to know that many things factored into our decision on what kind of motor we are looking at. We will be buying a diesel motor. We understand that the cost difference is very significant.
With what we will be asking this coach to do for us and the Rockies being part of that, along with the added driver safety features
No question, well worth the investment.
We cant get the word out over local news withoutyourhelp.
We cant teach shelters or rescues how to use Social Media to expand their adoption pools without your help. We cant showcase the love and care of URRKNeers without your help.
We cant have explosive growth without your help.
But with your help we can Save the World One Sweet Kitty at a Time.
Id like to introduce:
URRKNs Time is Now Tour
BLOWING up barriers to long distance adoptions!
Maiden Voyage
Best Friends Conference Salt Lake City Utah July 2016!
One step closer to NO KILL.
Expand adoption pools as well as support networks.
Help create partnerships between rescues to aid in long distance adoptions.
Plan routes that give Tina lots of time so that she does not freak out driving a HOUSE in strange cities.
Book morning show interviews.
Where possible meet with several shelters and rescues at once by hosting luncheons. If not then visit a few major ones.
When possible hit adoption events.
Set up meet & greets with URRKNeers.
Raise awareness of adoption, spay/neuter & transport.
Ask for drivers.
Ask for volunteers.
Ask for donations to keep URRKN & TNT moving forward.
Leave a gift in every city that we stop in, URRKN Pet Breath.
Meet with URRKN Adminions when possible.
Use to hit conferences and expos when reasonable to do so.
We will meet withshelters to find out why not transport? Then I want us to solve that objection and present them with a solution that works for them.
We need to look at what other programs are doing, share information and safety standards. I dont just want URRKNs success. I want rescues success, including OTHER transport options. It takes all of us and the sooner we start helping each other the sooner the animals benefit and thats what we are all after.
The more kitties that we transport, the more the rescues can save. This takes teamwork and they dont know that they have back up, thats our fault. Lets fix it together.
Your money will be funding a new (to us) motor home, branding, storage, insurance, fees, promotional & educational materials and handouts. Funding road trips meaning fuel, food, parking and like expenses, URRKNs Pet Breath Program, luncheons and networking opportunities. Maintenance and all of those other tour related costs.
We will come back with updates and details on the motor home but wanted to get everyone started raising the funds right away. We want to pay cash and have our first event be the Best Friends 2016 conference in Salt Lake City Utah.
Theres no way for us to do it without you. Every $5 adds up. Bake sales, yard sales, craft fairs, walk-a-thons, car washes are all ways that you can help raise money to get this tour on the road.
Lets go show the world what love can do!
Hi I’m the Fairy Cat Mother. When 2 of the most respected men in all of rescue tell you Its time for you to get your message out there. it might be a good idea to listen. We are taking URRKN to the shelters. With your help we can Save the World One Sweet Kitty at a Time. Your money will be funding a new (to us) motor home, branding, storage, insurance, fees, promotional & educational materials and handouts. Funding road trips meaning fuel, food, parking and like expenses, URRKNs Pet Breath Program, luncheons and networking opportunities. Maintenance and all of those other tour related costs.
See Campaign: https://www.youcaring.com/underground-railroad-rescued-kitty-network-urrkn-530523
Contact Information:
Tina LaBlanc Founder of URRKN
YouCaring, English, News Category, Crowdfunding, United States, Reward-Donation, Global Regions, Language
The post URRKNs Time is Now Tour: Underground Railroad Rescued Kitty Network – Save the World One Sweet Kitty at a Time” appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.
Source: Icrowdnewswire
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