Fat Battery: 4x iPhone Battery Life – Make your iPhone last 4x longer with a replacement Fat Battery (not a battery case)!


Fat Battery: 4x iPhone Battery Life

Make your iPhone last 4x longer with a replacement Fat Battery (not a battery case)!

Make Your iPhone Last Longer

Fat Battery is an incredible modification for your iPhone 6s, delivering supercharged 4x battery life. Modify your current iPhone or purchase new; this is the ultimate companion if you can’t afford to run out battery life. We’ll open up the back of the iPhone, swap out the battery with our monster battery, and put on a new, custom-made back.

Our Story

“Fat Battery started two years ago, when I was working as a producer for a video game. I used the phone all the time, because I was constantly moving around the office, almost never at my desk. But my phone seemed to need to be tethered to my desk, charging, for half the day. Even those battery cases sometimes weren’t enough, and I decided then that the world (or at least me!) needed a better option!” –Justin Leader, CEO

Wait, but how?

Instead of a removable battery pack or case, Fat Battery is a physical upgrade to your iPhone. We remove your phone’s back, insert our new, larger battery, and upgrade your piece with a fresh, custom-fit back. Similar to external battery packs, the upgrade will make your phone fatter. Unlike the battery packs, however, Fat Battery is inserted under the skin of the iPhone, which means a slimmer, more aesthetically pleasing result that fits more naturally with the original look of your phone. And again, Fat Battery provides more than double the impact of bulkier charging cases.


To give you an idea of just how much more life your phone will get with Fat Battery, here’s a prototype demo video. With this, we’re doing nothing with the iPhone but simply playing video, with the battery beginning on full charge. The iPhone’s original battery played for 13 hours until it died. The Fat Battery Prototype A lasted 36.5 hours! And this is with early battery components, before we contract custom-made replacements.


Budget represents remaining fixed costs to design, manufacture and deliver the first Fat Battery orders and finalize the distribution mechanisms. 

Stretch Goals:
Wireless Charging & 8x Battery Life

If you supercharge our Indiegogo, we’ll supercharge Fat Battery! We’re really excited about the stretch goals that we’ve got planned to bring you wireless charging and an even better battery!

About Us

Risks and Challenges

Structural Integrity 

Although Fat Battery is a relatively straightforward concept, it doesn’t come without some challenges. For one, the back piece of an iPhone isn’t just there for looks. It actually supplies structural integrity to the phone and is deliberately crafted in such a way that it doesn’t block antenna signals, so we’re working with expert industrial designers to produce high quality replacement backs that will provide both function and style.

Heat Dissipation 

All computers, of course, generate heat. Heat in the iPhone comes from both the chips and the battery, and the iPhone back is important in dissipating it. Because Fat Battery is larger, it will generate more heat with less surface area to distribute it, so our designers will be working on a back designed to provide even greater heat dissipation.

Charging Circuitry  

In the iPhone, like most cell phone battery setups, there is a cell, which holds the power, and a PCM circuit. This Protection Circuit Module protects the battery from over-charging and over-discharging, as well as protecting the rest of the phone from the battery. In our prototype, we are able to use the iPhone’s existing PCM, but we will be continuing to investigate this.

* Please note that international purchasers will be responsible for paying any local custom and import fees. 
Find This Campaign On

Fat Battery is an incredible modification for your iPhone 6s, delivering supercharged 4x battery life. Modify your current iPhone or purchase new; this is the ultimate companion if you can’t afford to run out battery life. We’ll open up the back of the iPhone, swap out the battery with our monster battery, and put on a new, custom-made back.

Youtube: https://youtu.be/koRiuyVh_JU
See Campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fat-battery-4x-iphone-battery-life
Contact Information:
Justin Leader

Indiegogo, Family, Women, Reward, United States, Consumer, Men, English, California, Wireless/Mobile, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Telecom, Language


Source: Icrowdnewswire

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